Pages About Autistic Child And The Son-Rise Therapy
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Updated: 8th September, 2007


Son-Rise (see Option Institute) is a child-oriented therapy, which is designed to home environment, to the special playroom, always with one therapist. Unlike to behavioral therapy, which learns child to fit to our world, Son-Rise learns parents and therapists to accept child and his world, to percieve and love him as he is, with all his 'inappropriate behaviors'. Child becomes teacher and parent his pupil, by which parent goes to the child's world. To understand the child is the first step in creating the contact with him. Step by step, the long way from the safe autistic world to our world can begin.

Son-Rise is therapy based on love and acceptance of the child. These are not just words, these are fundamental basics for therapy and are visible in the practise. Energy, enthusiasm and excitement which are cricial as well, would not be possible without this attitude.

In further sections, you can read about our view of the Son-Rise Start-Up course which we have attended in January 2004. In the next section - Principles - you can read in more details about Son-Rise therapy. In the next section - Progress - you can read about news and progress in our program. This section will be updated from time to time. And lastly you can review part FundRaising  for details about how we managed to go to the Start-Up course.