Pages About Autistic Child And The Son-Rise Therapy
Slovenská verzia
Updated: 8th September, 2007

Fund Raising

T-Shirt paintingOne of my friends says that the best what we obtain in our lives is free (for example haemorhoids). In any case, Son-Rise is not this case. The StartUp course costs $1250 for one person. We were given the scholarship (that was great), but we had to raise some money anyway.

Son-Rise is a unique therapy founded by couple of Kaufmans (USA). It is based on total acceptance of the child also with its "strange" behaviors and on total and unconditional love to the child. With special attitude to an autistic child and with intensive whole-day programme for a couple of years, which is done by parents and volunteers, it is possible to lead a child from his autistic world and to offer him our world.

Cups creating The course itself, which took place in London, in January 2004, costs $1250 for one person. Rather much for us. We have been given the scholarship, so we had to pay only $2350 for me, Maggie and our translator. Still rather much for us. As we didn't have this money at the moment, we decided that money lack was the last thing which could discourage us and we earned it.

My part of earnings is the second work in totally different, but also splendid project about citizens participation in creating the vision about park in our village (our NGO's project was supported by Phare) - for information see Rusovce Park pages.

Pillows sewing And Maggie had created some things: T-Shirts, Cups, Pillows. We were selling these things charitatively.  If you are interested in what things Maggie had created, you can see them here: T-Shirts, PillowsCups.

One more T-shirtAt the moment, we have enough money for the course and some still remains to the special playroom accessories.  We have earned an equivalent of about 1400 Euro only with our sales. There were also splendid people which gave us some money without any reward: thank you. Together it is really enough now.

Ready Pillows