Pages About Autistic Child And The Son-Rise Therapy
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Updated: 8th September, 2007

Year Three: Beginning of the Hard Work
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1. Behavior and Ears

The book title is 'The Secrecy of Pipe'

It was at the beginning of the third year of Robin's life when we began to notice his autistic behavior. Minimum of communication, merely no eye contact, no development of speech. Specialists concluded it as problems with hearing, nobody thought that Robin is not mentally retarded as well. Good ears examinations had to be done.

Practise after theoretical preparationsBERA (objective ears examination) was not objective. Robin had middle ears full of liquid, so the result was not relevant. While this state of middle ears was long-term, the only examinations left were classic ones - testing how he hears various kinds of sounds and observing his reactions. He was diagnosed as having severe hearing loss. He got hearing aids (see the picture with pipe), but we didn't reach big progress with it. 

So we still did not know. He didn't react not only to sounds, but often also to eye perceptions. Sometimes staring to one place for a long time, and also when I waved my hand before his eyes, he didn't respond. Mental retardation, deafness, autism? Or some combination? We didn't know. Today, we have our opinion, although not yet objectively tested.

In December, he was on another surgery - retentio testes. His boy`s things were found inside his belly and they gave them to the right place. And as a bonus they mended all holes in abdominal wall - the hernias.

2. The Work and IQ

UuuuuuuuuIn this time, Maggie began to hard work with Robin developing his skills. (From pictures above, you can see also my efforts :-).) She teached some talking skills, sign language, puzzles, different games developing mental skills... few hours daily. In general, Robin learned everything very well, sometimes better, sometimes worse. He learned well except in communication. That means that nothing he learned, he used in common communication.

When his IQ was measured, he was given an IQ of lower average - that was success for us. And all tests he was given and which were based on communication, he didn't do, so if he communicates, the result would be probably much better. He did one non-verbal task on the level of 4 and half year (having 2 and half). 

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